January 10, 2023

What should you consider in choosing an online course platform?

When choosing online course platform,many factors should be considered that students do when choosing an online course platform. Learn more on choosing an online course platform in our new blog post!

As a course creator, you'll want to consider many of the same factors that students do when choosing an online course platform. These include ease of use for both you and your students, the cost, the platform’s features and capabilities, the platform’s reputation and reliability, and technical support and customer service availability.

Additionally, you'll want to consider the platform's marketing and promotional tools and resources, as well as its ability to handle payments and manage course enrollments. It's also important to consider the platform's security and privacy measures, as well as its flexibility and customization options. You may also want to consider its integration with other tools or resources you may be using in your course. Finally, be sure to read reviews and ask for recommendations from other course creators to get a sense of their experiences with the platform. This can help you make an informed decision and choose the best online course platform for your needs.

When choosing an online course platform, some factors you may want to consider include:

Ease of use

Ease of use is an important factor to consider when choosing an online course platform, both for you as the course creator and for your students. A platform that is easy to use can make the process of creating and delivering your course more streamlined and efficient, saving you time and hassle. It can also make the learning experience more enjoyable and effective for your students. In addition to these factors, you may also want to consider the platform's mobile compatibility, as many students may prefer to access their course materials on their smartphones or tablets.

This can be especially important if you plan to offer a lot of multimedia content, such as videos or podcasts, which may be easier to consume on a mobile device. Overall, ease of use is a critical factor to consider when choosing an online course platform. A platform that is easy to use can make the process of creating and delivering your course more efficient and enjoyable for both you and your students.


There are a wide range of pricing models and subscription options available, so it's important to do your research and carefully evaluate the costs associated with each platform you are considering.

For course creators, the main cost to consider is usually the platform's fee for hosting and delivering your course. This fee can vary widely depending on the platform, and may be based on factors such as the number of students enrolled in your course, the length of your course, or the level of support and resources you need. Some platforms may also charge additional fees for certain features or capabilities, such as the ability to accept payments or offer interactive elements like quizzes or live webinars.

When evaluating the cost of an online course platform, it's important to consider not only the upfront fees, but also any hidden or ongoing costs that may arise. For example, you may need to pay for additional tools or resources to use in conjunction with the platform, or you may need to pay for technical support if you encounter any issues.

Features and capabilities

Different platforms offer a wide range of tools and features that can enhance the learning experience for your students and make the process of creating and delivering your course more efficient and effective.

Some features to consider when evaluating different platforms include:

-The ability to track student progress: Some platforms offer tools that allow you to monitor your student's progress through the course, such as quizzes or assessments that track their understanding of the material.

-Interactive elements: Some platforms offer interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or discussion forums that can make the learning experience more engaging and interactive for your students.

-Multimedia content: If you plan to include videos, podcasts, or other types of multimedia content in your course, you'll want to choose a platform that can handle these types of files and make them easy for your students to access.

-Integration with other resources or tools: If you plan to use other resources or tools in conjunction with your course, such as textbooks or study groups, you'll want to choose a platform that can easily integrate with these resources.

-Customization options: Some platforms offer a wide range of customization options, such as the ability to brand your course or add your own logo, which can help you make your course more personal and professional.

Reputation and reliability

A platform with a strong reputation can give you and your students confidence in the quality and effectiveness of the courses offered, while a platform with a history of reliability issues can lead to frustration and disruption.

Read reviews and testimonials from other course creators and students who have used the platform. These can give you a sense of the platform's strengths and weaknesses, as well as any common issues or complaints. You can also try checking out the platform's website and marketing materials. Do they present a professional image and make clear, accurate claims about the platform's features and capabilities?

Before deciding, you can also contact the platform's customer service team. Are they responsive and helpful when you have questions or concerns? Research the platform's history. Has the platform been around for a long time and has it maintained a positive reputation over the years? These are only some of the ways to check a platform’s reputation and reliability.

Support and customer service

As a course creator, you'll likely have questions or need help at some point, and it's important to choose a platform that offers timely and helpful support. A platform with strong support and customer service can make the process of creating and delivering your course smoother and more efficient and can help you and your students resolve any issues or concerns that may arise.

Here are some things to consider when evaluating the support and customer service offered by different platforms:

-Availability: Is the platform's customer service team available to answer questions or resolve issues during the hours when you and your students are most likely to need assistance?

-Response time: How quickly does the customer service team respond to inquiries or issues?

-Method of contact: Does the platform offer a range of options for contacting customer service, such as email, phone, or live chat?

-Helpfulness: Are the customer service representatives knowledgeable and helpful when you or your students have questions or issues?

By carefully evaluating these factors and doing your research, you can find the platform that best meets your needs and helps you deliver a successful and effective course. Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations or read reviews from other course creators and students to get a sense of their experiences with different platforms. With the right platform, you can create and deliver an engaging, interactive, and meaningful learning experience for your students.