December 20, 2022

Why you should build a brand

People need to understand that the visual aspect of your identity is not your brand but part of your brand. Learn more about our new blog post on why you should build a brand!

A brand is the result of your reputation when interacting with the world. This means the customer develops a gut feeling about your company, product, or even yourself. This is why some entrepreneurs can build multiple products or companies and still have a crowd ready to buy.

Your logo is not a brand. People need to understand that the visual aspect of your identity is not your brand but part of your brand. Your business purpose, mission, and values are part of your brand.

1: A brand makes your customer sell for you

Building a brand is like jumping off a cliff. It's scary and exciting, it makes you think about things in a different way, and it's really hard. But if you can do it, it'll be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

One of the most essential parts of making a brand is getting your customer to sell for you. If people know who you are, there's a good chance they'll talk about your company when they encounter someone that needs your product or service. That kind of word-of-mouth marketing is priceless.

2: It helps encapsulate everything you do into a simple concept

Building a brand gives you something to put at the forefront of your marketing and business materials that can help distinguish you from everyone else. It also helps encapsulate everything you do into a simple concept that represents the core of your work and what you want people to know about you. In building a brand, you can create something that describes who you are and what you do in a way that resonates with your target audience.

Building a brand is an opportunity for you to tell the story of your business, share what inspires and motivates you, and make it clear why someone would choose you over anyone else in the industry. This is especially important when starting out because it's difficult for people to understand exactly what it is that they need until someone explains it to them if they don't have an image or an impression in their head, it may not occur to them at all that they need what you're offering.

3: A brand allows you to transcend your customer base into other products

In essence, a brand is a set of expectations we have for products and services that are associated with it. We have an expectation of what the product will look like, its quality, its features, and how it will make us feel when we purchase and use it. When those expectations are met, we experience what's called "brand resonance," which is the point where your brand resonates with your customer's minds in a way that makes them want to continue to purchase from you without fail.

A brand can be established by many things a catchy name or logo that sticks in people's minds or is used as an easy reference for your products; a strong social media presence or advertising campaign that defines how you want people to perceive your business; a recognizable mascot that endears itself to your customer base the list goes on and on. But one thing is clear: if you want to create a successful business, creating a well-defined brand is essential.

4: It’s a natural fertilizer that makes your business grow in the long term

Building a brand is the best way to ensure its stability if you want a business that survives beyond your lifetime and endures through generations. Your customers may change throughout the years, but if you’ve built a brand, the name and reputation you’ve worked hard to establish will remain intact. And as long as you have a good product or service to back up your brand, it will continue to attract new clients for years.

Even if your business is relatively small now, there's no reason why it can't grow into something big and powerful within the next few decades, especially if you have a strong product/service and a trustworthy brand to support it.

5: The People who understand who you are will want to work with you

How you present yourself to the world reflects how you want others to see you, what you want them to think, and how you want them to feel. It's a little thing that can mean a lot. You're not creating an identity for the sake of branding; rather, your brand is part of your identity.

A strong brand makes it easier for clients to know what they're getting from you and helps build trust through consistency. So whether it's your business or something you do for fun, it's worth thinking about how you want people to see you. In conclusion, a brand is more than just a logo or visual identity. It encompasses the purpose, mission, and values of a business and helps to distinguish it from its competitors.

Building a strong brand allows a business to get its customers to sell for them through word-of-mouth marketing, helps to encapsulate everything the business does into a simple concept that resonates with its target audience, allows the business to transcend its customer base into other products, and serves as a natural fertilizer for long-term growth.

A strong brand also attracts people who understand the business's identity and want to work with it and helps to create a sense of trust and loyalty among customers. Overall, building a brand is essential for the success and stability of a business.

Here is a short exercise that you can try to reflect on your own brand or when starting a new project:

  • Write down your business's purpose, mission, and values: What is the core reason for your business's existence? What are your main goals and objectives? What values do you hold dear and want to embody in your work?
  • Define your target audience: Who do you want to reach and serve with your products or services? What are their needs, values, and preferences?
  • Identify your unique selling points: What makes your business stand out from the competition? What value or benefit do you offer that others don't?
  • Reflect on your brand's personality: How do you want your brand to be perceived by your target audience? What tone and voice do you want to use in your marketing and communication?
  • Create a brand statement: Use the information you've gathered to craft a short statement that captures the essence of your brand. This can be a mission statement, a slogan, or a tagline.